Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to School Arithmetic

20 pencils L needs for school
19 number of times I will likely have to peel C off my leg before she goes to her class without a fuss
18 minutes it takes to get to school
17 number of snow days we are praying for
16 peanut butter and jam sandwiches I will make in the first week
15 minutes we usually leave ourselves to get to school
14 number of us who will be here over the last summer weekend! Mealtime will be great fun!
13 days until C starts preschool
12 gallons of milk we'll use for breakfast in the first month of school
11 time I need to get to bed each night to make it through the busy days
10 age of my fifth grader
9 number of library books I predict A will make it through in the first two weeks
8 times I may have to shake L to wake him on the first day
7 number of glue sticks on C's list (I think the teacher must be expecting the kids to eat some!)
6 in the morning: time I'm going to have to get up starting next Tuesday
5 days until school starts for A and L
4 age I was when I started school 30 (yikes) years ago
3 times I talked to the school secretary to determine what we still owed in book fees and other miscellaneous stuff
2 number of backpacks we bought before we settled on one for L
1 number of trumpets we now own for our new fifth grader

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